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:ITA Italy 12
:IRL Ireland 11
:GUA Guatemala 10
:FRA France 9
:INA Indonesia 8
:SWE Sweden 7
:ROU Romania 6
:GER Germany 5
:ARG Argentina 4
:GBR Great Britain 3
:NZL New Zealand 2
 :USA United States 1

Thank you to the organisers for this magnificent day of music.

Il-lejla t-tajba 

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Good evening everybody (or good morning or good afternoon).

We have a tight race at the top of the table. These are the first votes of the Maltese jury



:GUA Guatemala 10
:FRA France 9
:INA Indonesia 8
:SWE Sweden 7
:ROU Romania 6
:GER Germany 5
:ARG Argentina 4
:GBR Great Britain 3
:NZL New Zealand 2
 :USA United States 1
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Pupa by Aidan




Pupa lyrics

Bħal sema blu
Dorna kullimkien
Tfajla ta' kull żmien
Ser issibli idejja miftuħin
Ftit sa ma' ntir
Lil xi ħadd ser nsir
Jgħiduli crazy
Whatever I do is crazy
What about me, my love?
Look me in my eyes
What if you stay at mine
For a thousand times?
When you tik-tok, drink-tok
Let me know your name
You can tik-tok, drink-tok, tik-tok
Erġa ejja lura
Ersaq ejja ħdejja
Ara d-dawl f'għajnejja
Mat-talba ta' filgħodu, għadu kmieni
Ngħajjat sa' ma' jtini
Ma' kull mogħdija ta' bil-lejl
Whatever I do remains the same
Erġa ejja lura
Ersaq ejja ħdejja
Ara d-dawl f'għajnejja
Mat-talba ta' filgħodu, għadu kmieni
Ngħajjat sa' ma' jtini
Ma' kull mogħdija ta' bil-lejl
Whatever I do remains the same
Mal-vojt tal-qalb kemm tmissni, missni
Ma' kull dangerous love li tliftni, tliftni
Mela lift me, lift me up up
Jekk tridni taf fejn ninsab
U bħalek tfajla Maltija
Wieħed għalik u għalija
Ejja babe ħenn għalija
Pupa se ttijha
Me, my love?
Look me in my eyes
What if you stay at mine
For a thousand times?
When you tik-tok, drink-tok
Let me know your name
You can tik-tok, drink-tok, tik-tok
Erġa ejja lura
Ersaq ejja ħdejja
Ara d-dawl f'għajnejja
Mat-talba ta' filgħodu, għadu kmieni
Ngħajjat sa' ma' jtini
Ma' kull mogħdija ta' bil-lejl
Whatever I do remains the same
Erġa ejja lura
Ersaq ejja ħdejja
Ara d-dawl f'għajnejja
Mat-talba ta' filgħodu, għadu kmieni
Ngħajjat sa' ma' jtini
Ma' kull mogħdija ta' bil-lejl
Whatever I do remains the same
Jekk toħlom ftit mat-talba ta' filgħodu
Jekk toħlom ftit mat-talba ta' filgħodu
Jekk toħlom ftit mat-talba ta' filgħodu
Jekk toħlom ftit mat-talba ta' filgħodu
Edited by Glen
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by Red Electric





Can we fade out
And into focus?
Can we be found
And lost in a moment?
Wait, the chaos just gets in the way
Promise me we'll never waste this now, now, now
Can we fade out?

Spinning out of space and time
We can feel alive
We can feel alive
Leave it all and free your mind

Be right here
All I know, I know, I know
Is you, right here
And the world, the world, the world can disappear

Slow it down and keep me going
'Cos it's gone before you know it
Slow down
And be right here

I never knew why, I never noticed
That when I chase highs I only catch 'em in doses
Wait, memories are what you make
Promise me we'll never waste this now, now, now
Can we fade out?

Spinning out of space and time
We can feel alive
We can feel alive
Leave it all and free your mind

Be right here
All I know, I know, I know
Is you, right here
And the world, the world, the world can disappear
Slow it down and keep me going
'Cos it's gone before you know it
Slow down
And be right here

Hold on, hold on, hold on to what you've got
Hold on, hold on, hold on to what you've got
Hold on, hold on, hold on to what you've got
Promise me you'll never slip away

Be right here
All I know, I know, I know
Is you, right here
And the world, the world, the world can disappear
Slow it down and keep me going
'Cos it's gone before you know it
Slow down
And be right here
All I know, I know, I know
Is you, right here
And the world, the world, the world can disappear
Slow it down and keep me going
'Cos it's gone before you know it
Slow down
And be right here

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 :IND INDIA   11 
 :ITA ITALY   10 

U b’dawn it-tnax -il punt naslu fi tmiem tal-voti Maltin. Awguri lill-parteċipanti kollha għal kumplament tal-contest. Saħħa.


And with those 12 points we come to an end of the Maltese votes. Good luck to all the participants in this contest. Bye.


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Waranofsinhar it-tajjeb. Grazzi lill-organizzaturi ta’ dan il-festival ta’ mużika. Wasal il-ħin tal-votazzjoni tal-iżgħar pajjiż li qiegħed jieħu sehem. Dawn huma l-ewwel voti tal-ġurija Maltija.


Good afternoon. Thank you to the organisers of this music festival. It’s time for the votes of the smallest participating country. These are the first votes of the Maltese jury.


 :ITA ITALY   10 
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Malta will be submitting another song in Maltese 'Bla Tarf', meaning 'Without Limits'







Kemm fittixtek 'l hemm u 'l hawn
F'post mudlam stennejt id-dawl
Ġrejt kemm flaħt wara l-ħmerijiet
Sa ma fl-aħħar lilek sibt

Fil-mument li kont fit-tarf
Lil dil-qalb inti sabbart
Iżda llum wasal il-ħin, li nagħtu kelma lil xulxin

Dal-mument kemm stennejnieh
It-tnejn flimkien ħdimna għalih
Għalkemm forsi diġà taf
Imħabbti għalik hija bla tarf

Tini idejk jien hawn għalik
Jien lest li nipproteġik
Imħabbtek għamlitni kuntent
Tagħna t-tnejn dan il-mument

Nibku, nidħku u niċċaċċraw
Insiefru flimkien 'l hemm u 'l hawn
Lest li nagħtik kull ma trid
Għadek qas taf x'għandi bik

F'ħakka t'għajn jgħaddu s-snin
Ma' saqajna żewġ ċkejknin
Ma nixbax nimlikom bews
Għalija tkunu l-univers

Dal-mument kemm stennejnieh
It-tnejn flimkien ħdimna għalih
U għalkemm forsi diġà taf
Imħabbti għalik hija bla tarf

Tini idejk jien hawn għalik
Jien lest li nipproteġik
Imħabbtek għamlitni kuntent
Tagħna t-tnejn dan il-mument

Dal-mument kemm stennejnieh
It-tnejn flimkien ħdimna għalih
U għalkemm forsi diġà taf
Imħabbti għalik hija bla tarf

Tini idejk jien hawn għalik
Jien lest li nipproteġik
Imħabbtek għamlitni kuntent
Tagħna t-tnejn dan il-mument

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1st FRANCE :FRA 12
3rd SWEDEN :SWE 10
6th SPAIN :ESP 7
10th ITALY :ITA 3
11th POLAND :POL 2
12th EGYPT :EGY 1

And that concludes the points of the Maltese jury. Goodbye



U hekk nikkonkludu l-voti tal-gurija Maltija. Sahha

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"Good afternoon, good evening and good morning to all the countries following this year's contest. A well done goes to the organizers of this year's contest. The following are the first points of the Maltese jury"




3rd SWEDEN :SWE 10
6th SPAIN :ESP 7
10th ITALY :ITA 3
11th POLAND :POL 2
12th EGYPT :EGY 1
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We talk about it every Saturday night Don't get me wrong now but I think we completely mad It's getting harder you see Make way for fresh and clean love machine The shaky jerky uncontrollable wreck Who's REK? Who the heck is REK? AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away Got people laughing at the way he move The horny corny unpredictable motion train We do it all for fame Make way for fresh and clean love machine The shaky jerky uncontrollable wreck Who's REK? Who the heck is REK? AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away Do the robot Do the robot Do the robot Do the robot Oh-h it's gonna take you away Oh-h it's gona take you away and away and away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away AA-AA-AA It's gonna take you away
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For this year's TAISC, Malta will be submitting a song in Italian sung by Malta singer Emma Muscat. Emma, who will be also be representing Malta in the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest in Turin, became famous after she participated on the Italian Television show 'Amici'








Emma Muscat - Sangria (feat. Astol)


Quanto manca

Non ci vediamo da un po', il tempo non passa

Ma per raggiungerti ora mi sa che sbaglio via

Tanto so che ogni strada fino all'alba

Mi porta dritta alle tue labbra, quindi tu aspetta


So che mi fai male

Sei un chiodo fisso al cuore

Ma ho voglia di passare questa notte insieme a te

Che questo monolocale diventa un lungo mare

Togliamoci le scarpe e poi facciamo ciò che vuoi


E adesso balla un po' con me

La musica ci porterà con sé

La tua mano è nella mia

Ma come per magia

Mi baci e poi vai via

Col sole che tramonta in un bicchiere di sangria


Io sono il segreto di un bacio a cui pensi

Mentre ti addormenti con lui

e io sono il senso di colpa di un livido che dolcemente sale

Sono galante e quindi te lo chiedo



Vuoi venire a ballare con un bandolero Io già sento il caldo

Regge poco la scusa dell'alcol

Io non sono un santo e non mi faccio pregare

Se chiami il tuo viso d'angelo io sono le ali


E una rosa nel letto, un amante perfetto

Il nome che non scordi più

Astol who

E adesso balla un po' con me

La musica ci porterà con se

La tua mano è nella mia

Ma come per magia

Mi baci e poi vai via

Col sole che tramonta in un bicchiere di sangria


Balliamo insieme fino a mattina

Solo con te io riesco a sentirmi più viva

Più scende giù e più la testa mi gira, baby

Guardando il tramonto insieme bevendo sangria


E adesso balla un po' con me La musica ci porterà con sé

La tua mano nella mia

Ma come per magia

Mi baci e poi vai via

Col sole che tramonta in un bicchiere di sangria

Col sole che tramonta in un bicchiere di sangria

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