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Everything posted by VolleyRuller96

  1. Go Portugal today's game against China might be crucial if they want to stay in the VNL .
  2. Skierniewice, Polish city with over 50.000 inhabitants has announced they ran out of water.
  3. The pan-european party Volt officially announced they will join Greens/EFA in the European Parliament.
  4. Portugal tries it's best agains the United States and even won a set
  5. Could someone logically explain to me how it's possible that Canada is a challenger team while being far better than some of the teams that are permamently invited?
  6. Japan - the Parliament will decide on the fate of lawmaker Hodaka Maruyama, which last month got extremely drunk during a trip to Russian-held Kurill Islands, attempted to convince former Japanese residents to start a war against Russia to reclaim those islands, and attempted to "go outside to grope breasts". Maruyama himself doesn't see a reason to resign, and claims his actions are justified by freedom of expression,
  7. Another upset for Bulgaria as they easily lost 0:3 against China
  8. How can there be any doubt about us defeating Macedonia? Well, but at the other hand, knowing this team... What I mean is, we have a laughably easy qualification group ( no offense to anyone) comparing to the other ones. We should be clearly the best team here,and it just angers me when our media act like we play against Brazil or France. Winning against teams like Macedonia or Latvia should be the players' responsibility, not something that will eventually be treated as an achievement. Luckily many people don't follow the media craze and think the same here, but the amount of attention this game gets in TV and newspapers is beyond ridiculous. And really, even qualifying from such an group is hardly something spectacular, especially if you can directly qualify even from 2nd place... Honestly, I think if they'd be eliminated, people would just lose it
  9. Iran just wansted a huge opportunity to defeat Brazil 3-1
  10. 2 out of 3 matches won, so everything's going according to plan And although I hoped for 3 points today, it's the wins that count, so I can't complain, after all, we're just 2-3 games away from a HUGE success
  11. Pretty interesting analysis of Euro parlament elections voting by age
  12. Well, not much to say - first defeat, exactly as predicted. Still, I think our girls played well, especially in the first set, and should be able to win against Belgium . tommorow .
  13. FIS apparently wants to disband the Ski Flying World Championship completely. Instead, they want to have a yearly "Grand Slam' tournament held in Vikersund, Planica, Bad Mittendorf and Oberstdorf, most likely competed during a single week. The winner of Grand Slam would then get 1.000.000 Euro as a reward
  14. Sad to see such low attendance figures at non-host games in some places, but well - this tournament means basically nothing these days ( To the point it doesn't even give the winner a single point to the World Ranking) many teams plays with what's not even their B teams (Serbia...), some games take place at really ridiculous time (Really? 13:00 Local time?) and I can't understand why they use this tournament formula at all. The formula used in the 2000's and shortly brought back in 2014, where each country only played 2 home or away games with the same opponent in a given weekend, with no matches on the neutral ground was much, much better.
  15. A much tougher game against Australia than expected
  16. No reason for them to do anything different if they are already qualified for like 5 next editions of the Nations League Fans bought tickets, federations got their money, everyone's happy (except the fans )
  17. We won 3-1, demolishing : in the 1st and 4th set Sure, this is "just the Nations League", but still, I don't think we'd manage 2-3 years ago . This tournament is shockingly good for us so far. This and the win in Montreux Volley Masters (our 1st ever) shows that something really good is starting to happen in our women NT. Not gonna lie, I feel a bit sentimental, as it's the women's team that actually started my love for volley when I was a kid I still rememher the 2005 and (some of ) 2003 Euro like it was yesterday . It is clear the girls have made incredible progress lately, and I hope it's only the beginning.
  18. Also, I gotta say I am impressed with performance this year They already beat and , and now lead 1-0 vs .
  19. For the first time this year, I have enough time to fully watch a game of our NT, and wow, the girls are fighting with for every point so far On you go ladies
  20. First real success of Greens, and already Volt, Czech Pirate Party and Carlos Puidgemont's party Junts per Catalunya are interested to join.
  21. I don't believe it, do we actually have a decent team again ?
  22. No handball, basketball, volleyball? Merely 10 days of competition? Only half of the sports that were present during the 2015 European Games? I don't think many people will care for this competition
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